Palladium vs. Platinum Rings: The Key Differences

Palladium and platinum differ in several ways, from their appearance (look closely and you will be able to spot several differences) to their durability, weight, and cost.

The biggest difference between palladium and platinum wedding rings is color. Although they look almost identical to the untrained eye, palladium has a slightly darker tone. Another notable difference is their resistance to scratching, with palladium slightly more resistant to scratching than platinum.

Palladium vs. Platinum Ring: Hardness & Scratches

Palladium and platinum are both extremely durable metals. Compared to a gold wedding ring, you’ll get a significantly higher level of durability from either a palladium ring or a platinum one.

However, palladium is very slightly harder than platinum, meaning a palladium wedding band will usually be a small amount more resistant to scratches than a platinum ring.

Palladium and platinum are both extremely durable metals. However, palladium is very slightly harder than platinum, meaning a palladium wedding band will usually be a small amount more resistant to scratches than a platinum ring.

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